Moon Knight – Episode 4 Review : Fun And Trippy

Moon Knight – Episode 4 Review : Fun And Trippy

Moon Knight is going strong after its last episode which on it self was damn good. But the series now does feel like a stretched out movie at least until now. Episode Four is riding the fun of the last episode and is pretty damn cool. It does end with an interesting twist which may or may not re contextualize the show.

*Mild Spoilers from Here*

The episode picks up with Steven and Layla trying to escape Harrow. The powers of Moon Knight are absent as they are taken away last episode. While trying to get to the tomb of Ammit before him. This is a charming and interesting as Steven is obviously falling in love with Layla and even she is too. Marc is kind of pissed that his DID alter is trying to get with his wife.

Going into the tomb the story actually kind of falls back on some conventional aspects of the show. With our heroes and villains going in to get the tomb. But here is when the series gets kind of gruesome. With ancient wizard mummies in the tomb disembowelling people. It reminded me of those cheesy Brendan Fraser Mummy movies. But it does end up splitting our protagonists splitting up with the unsolved story plots being covered while they try to find the Ammit statue.

This is when everything changes and Marc and Steven get shot. It seems like they are dying as the show slowly cuts to a metal institute with Marc as a sedated man. This shows all the characters in the show as some part of the mental institute. With Harrow being its main doctor. This implies that all the stuff going on is just the imagination of a mentally ill man. Creating delusions from the childhood movies and the people around him.

Final Thoughts

I wont be going into more detail but there are more twists in the end which are fun and interesting. Moon Knight Episode Four is pretty good and gives us a fun and trippy while managing to be subversive. I am cautiously awaiting the rest of the episodes as i hope they are as good as the last two..
