
CHORUS: The Summerfall Studios Secret Project Revealed

CHORUS: A Secret No More

At PAX Australia last night, David Gaider, the famed former Senior Writer from Bioware, announced the first official details of Summerfall Studios’ first IP. David almost single-handedly is the root cause of the current acclaim that Bioware has. Within the first couple of years of him joining the company, David won multiple awards and nominations for a character that he wrote the dialogue for in one week. The writer earned a lot of reputation within the gaming industry for his achievements and won him several key contacts within the industry.

These high profile individuals are willing to throw their weight behind him and his startup studio. Between his reputation and the incredible team of talent working on CHORUS, the game was a fan favorite from the beginning. Within 10 minutes of the game being announced, their fundraising project for the game received $3,000.

CHORUS is the Herald of a New Genre

Defying all pre-existing genres, CHORUS is the only game in its self-made category: a musical adventure game. No, I don’t mean it has a nice soundtrack. The game itself is an interactive musical with a comic book art style. The player assumes the role of Grace who becomes a Muse, a minor Greek deity of the arts. When the lead singer of her band dies on her doorstep, the pantheon of Greek gods appear. They accuse Grace of the murder of the last Muse. Grace must prove her innocence and find the truth.

The powers of the Muse allow her to influence the minds of others when singing. The player makes decisions mid-song that not only alter the narrative of the game, but the lyrics and musical direction. CHORUS is led by Austin Wintory, the Grammy-nominated genius behind Journey, who works as the game’s musical director. Legendary voice actor Troy Baker from The Last of Us serves as voice director for the cast, ensuring masterful performances.

Funding Goals

With the announcement of the new title from Summerfall Studios also came the announcement of the game’s fundraising platform, Fig. The developers need $600,000 to launch their project; with funding having reached more than $80,000 as of writing this article. Money generation doesn’t appear to be a major concern of Summerfall Studios, but surpassing the goal will turn an already one-of-a-kind game into something unprecedented.

Stretch goals include additional content, more love interests, more voice-over coverage, and so much more. CHORUS is set for a two-year development cycle with the initial release being for PC and Steam only, though additional platforms will be added as sales justify the situation.
