
Destiny 2 Guardian Games 2021: What to do this Year

Destiny 2 almost always has an event at the end of each of its seasons. That moment is quickly approaching, which means the Guardian Games will soon be back. For anyone new, the Guardian Games are an Olympics-themed Class war between the three classes – the Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks. Last year us Titans kinda dominated the Games (Go Titans!!!). So before we jump into this year’s competition, let’s go through the changes Destiny made this time around. Along with the new Rewards and ways to compete.

Last year everyone was playing as any class while switching their characters and Bungie is seemingly trying to tackle that. In 2021 from what we know, it has been changed so that we should choose and pledge to a main class.

The Rewards

The Heir Apparent Exotic Machine Gun is returning and now it is coming with a new Catalyst. The Catalyst will now increase the arc shield durability and partially reload the magazine if it is destroyed.

Heir Apparent

Along with that there is a new exotic Sparrow and a Class item, each of which will glow in the colours of Gold, Silver and Bronze in accordance with the place of the class.

And as always, Destiny 2 has some new Guardian Games Universal Ornament Sets for each of the classes to rock this event. They all look pretty good.

The Universal Armor

Medals and Laurels

We will be competing through earning medals and depositing them at the podium at the Tower near Eva Levante. Along with that, Guardians need to collect Laurels which will be dropping from almost every activity except for Crucible and Gambit. There they earn be a standard post game reward.

This year there is a new way to earn points for your team called Contender Cards. We will be able to pick these up from Eva in exchange for Laurels and can have one active at any given time. Completing objectives in strikes, Crucible, and Gambit will grant a Gold Medal upon completion. 

There is also a special Platinum Contender Card that will focus on completing objectives in Nightfalls, Survival, and Trials. This will be the only way to earn Platinum Medals. Completing a Platinum Card will earn one All-Star status and a special reward at the next podium ceremony.

Medals have the following values: 

  • Bronze: 1 Point 
  • Silver: 2 Points 
  • Gold: 5 Points 
  • Platinum: 15 Points 

So, Kinda a New Playlist

Along with that, there will be a class-specific strike playlist which will progress the Guardian Games further and help push each class forward.

This new playlist will have gameplay modifiers added based on the previous day’s class standing. Classes will get a beneficial modifier tied to gold, silver, and bronze placement. 

  • Gold: Health, shields, and recovery are increased. Kinetic weapons deal more damage. 
  • Silver: Melee abilities recharge faster. Elemental damage increased from Guardian sources. More Heavy ammo available. 
  • Bronze: Grenade abilities deal more damage and recharge much faster. Elemental damage increased from Guardian sources.

There are also negative modifiers added to the playlist to make things a little more challenging for the leaders. The Gold class gets two modifiers, and the Silver class gets one. These modifiers are themed around the classes that finished lower on the podium. 

The Results

So just like last year all these will be counted and tallied daily and the height of the flags will reflect the placement of each of the classes in the tower.

Every weekend there will be a special ceremony where the Guardians will be able to show off a glow from your class item depending on your class’ standing that week.  

  • Third place receives a bronze glow. 
  • Second place receives a silver glow. 
  • First place receives a gold glow. 
  • All-Stars receive a platinum glow. 
The Podium

And the class who wins the most number of days from April 20 – May 7 will be the winner. Therefore, the winning class will be recognized at the Guardian Games Closing Ceremonies (May 7-9), complete with resplendent fireworks and a trophy displayed in the Tower all year long.

Now, I am gonna go on my Titan to win us back the Guardian Games. May the best class win.

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