
E3 2019 Bethesda Press Conference Roundup

E3 2019 is in full swing and we’ve already seen quite a few exciting announcements at this year’s event. While EA showcased a lengthy new gameplay demo for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and Microsoft stole the show with its Keanu Reeves-infused Cyberpunk 2077 presentation, Bethesda Software had a couple of interesting reveals of its own at the expo.

Despite having a pretty bad year so far, the company still managed to put on a decent showcase at the event. But don’t worry if you missed it because we have a quick roundup of Bethesda’s E3 2019 press conference right here.

Bethesda Game Studios

The BGS segment was arguably the weakest part of the entire presentation, though that shouldn’t be too surprising. Bethesda’s development wing didn’t reveal any new games this year or share anything about highly anticipated titles like Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6. Todd Howard mentioned that his team is working hard on those games, but that’s about it. As a result, the Bethesda Game Studios segment mainly revolved around Fallout 76 and The Elder Scrolls Blades. Unfortunately.

Todd Howard insisted again that Fallout 76 is becoming a great game and that we should give it a shot. Personally, I’m not convinced. That said, if you want to experience the worst received Bethesda game of all time for yourself, you can play it for free between June 10 and June 17. As expected, the company also announced at E3 2019 that Fallout 76 will receive a Battle Royale mode. The new mode goes by the name Nuclear Winter and can support up to 52 players. There’s also a big update called Wastelanders that “fundamentally changes how you experience Fallout 76.” Press X to doubt.

As far as The Elder Scrolls Blades is concerned, Bethesda revealed that the game is getting a Nintendo Switch version this fall. The company also announced a major new update that adds some new quests, dungeons, loot, and more. Oh, and a dragon slayer questline because dragons were the running joke at this year’s presentation.

Meanwhile, The Elder Scrolls: Legends is getting a new card expansion set called Moons of Elsweyr on June 27. All in all, there are more than 75 cards to look forward to, including a few legendaries. Most of the cards feature a similar theme to the recently released Elsweyr expansion pack for The Elder Scrolls Online.

Tango Gameworks

Moving on to something actually interesting, The Evil Within developer Tango Gameworks took the stage at E3 2019 yesterday to reveal its latest project. Known as GhostWire: Tokyo, the new action adventure game features the studio’s signature paranormal vibe. All we really know about the story at this point is that people are mysteriously vanishing all over Tokyo and that we’re tasked with finding out why. The cause seems to be an ancient supernatural evil that may or may not be inspired by Japanese mythology.

That’s not much to go on but it’s enough to get us excited about the game nevertheless. Besides, the folks at Tango who took the stage to reveal it seemed genuinely passionate about this upcoming project. Certainly a breath of fresh air compared to what we’ve seen from BGS as of late. In any case, check out the reveal of GhostWire: Tokyo down below.

Machine Games

As expected, Machine Games took the stage to give us another look at Wolfenstein: Youngblood. We didn’t learn too much about the upcoming co-up game at E3 2019 that we didn’t’ already knew, but it was nice to see a new trailer regardless. In addition, the developers also took the opportunity to talk about their spin-off VR title, Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot. The game was developed in collaboration with Arkane Lyon and will launch the same day as Wolfenstein: Youngblood. Namely, July 26.

Arkane Lyon

Speaking of Arkane, the developers of Dishonored revealed a very interesting new project yesterday at E3 2019. The game is known as Deathloop and combines FPS elements with the same brand of stylish action-focused combat Arkane is known for. The story revolves around two legendary assassins trying to kill each other while trapped on the island of Blackreef.

Just as the name of the game suggests, the two are caught in a never-ending loop à la Groundhog Day. While one assassin is constantly trying to break the cycle, the other works to maintain it. We don’t know much else about Deathloop at the moment but the game looks very interesting from what we’ve seen so far.

id Software

Unsurprisingly, Doom Eternal was the main focus of Bethesda’s E3 2019 presentation. The game got a new story trailer and an official release date of November 22. id also revealed a pretty badass Collector’s Edition for the game that includes a wearable Doom Slayer helmet. Aside from that, we got to take a look at the newly revealed 1 vs 2 multiplayer mode. The PvP mode pits a player controlling Doomguy against a team of two players controlling various demons. Yeah… good luck to the people who choose to play as demons.

In somewhat less interesting news, Rage 2 is getting its first DLC later this year known as Rise of the Ghosts. The upcoming expansion is said to add a bunch of new weapons, locations, abilities, the titular Ghosts faction, and more. Live events will start launching next week so keep an eye out for those as well. Similar to Fallout 76, Rage 2 “continues to evolve and grow” post-release so if you found it mediocre at launch, which many gamers did, maybe you’ll like it more in 6 to 12 months. Props to the people making these cool trailers, tho.

ZeniMax Online Studios

ZeniMax announced at E3 2019 that The Elder Scrolls Online amassed a very impressive 13.5 million players since launch. The company celebrated by revealing a new trailer for the recently released ESO expansion, Elsweyr. In addition, players can also look forward to a new DLC dungeon pack known as Scalebreaker later this summer. If you’re craving even more ESO content after that, there will be another DLC launching this fall called Dragonhold.

All in all, Elder Scrolls Online continues to improve at a constant pace so make sure to check it out if you haven’t already. Sure, it’s not as in-depth as the main TES games but it will have to do while we wait for The Elder Scrolls 6. Which at this rate, will probably take several more years.

Last and certainly least, ZeniMax also announced a new Commander Keen game. For anyone who can’t remember a time before the internet, the original Commander Keen came out way back in 1990 and was one of the first games developed by id Software. I wish I could say ZeniMax’s upcoming title will be a fitting tribute to the original. Sadly, the new Commander Keen is a mobile game that looks like your typical cash grab. Well, they did a good job with ESO (eventually) so I guess we can give them a pass just this time.

Final Thoughts on Bethesda’s E3 2019 Press Conference

Bethesda’s presentation wasn’t the worse we’ve ever seen but it wasn’t particularly mind-blowing either. Considering how bad they messed up with Fallout 76, I suppose things could have gone a lot worse on stage. That said, the presentation was definitely too long seeing as how they only showcased a handful of new games. They also patted themselves on the back quite a bit during the whole thing, though that was too be expected.

Jason Moth