the sandman

The Sandman is Coming to Netflix With Neil Gaiman

Every comic fan has a different opinion on what comic book is the best. Out of an industry that’s been going for the better part of a century, there’s a lot to pick from. But among most readers, there are at least a few names that come up consistently. A discussion on the best comic book of all cannot be complete without Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman. While itself being more of a collection of stories within a universe, the collected work is a masterpiece to behold. Unfortunately, this story has been attempting to get a live-action version for a great many years with no success. 

The Sandman
Gaiman’s pivotal main character Morpheus, Lord of the Dreaming in all his monochromatic glory

While multiple studios and multiple projects have been discussed, it’s a tough nut to crack. First of all, the amount of background reading alone is staggering. With the entire series being scattered across different titles. But Neil Gaiman himself has announced that he is helping to bring a series to Netflix. Finally giving hope to the fans who’ve long been hoping to see this series onscreen. The Sandman is a difficult thing to bring to the screen, big or small.

The Sandman Will Require a Team

The Sandman Screenwriter
Allan Heinberg will be adding his screenwriting talent into the fold

Not alone in this monumental task, Gaiman will be joined by Allan Heinberg. Comic fans know Heinberg from various projects including Wonder Woman, JLA, and Young Avengers. He’s also famous for creating Wiccan and Hulkling, two openly gay Marvel mutants. Heinberg himself is gay and helped introduce more representation to his industry. Heinberg isn’t just known for writing comics, he’s also an accomplished screenwriter. Having written for almost a dozen television shows and the screenplay for 2017’s Wonder Woman film. 

With the original mind that created the world at the helm and the show being headed by Heinberg, it’s looking good. Fans of the original source material could even enjoy a bit of cautious optimism. Though I think we all remember having high hopes for the live-action Death Note as well. But with these two controlling the show, chances are good they’ll knock it out of the park.

Jon "Flash" Schmitt