
Mass Effect Legendary Edition DLC Ranked List and Guide (2022)

Mass Effect Legendary Edition brings some improvements to the original game and minor changes to the sequels. The remaster also includes all DLC packs, which is a plus if you’ve never played the trilogy. Pinnacle Station is the exception. Even without Pinnacle Station you still have around 40 pieces DLC you can purchase together. Mass Effect DLC was once a complicated process that required BioWare Points, platform-exclusive items and pre-order bonuses. Other promotions were also involved. It is much easier to get everything at one price.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition may seem overwhelming if you are new to the series, or have not played the trilogy for a while. Good news is that Mass Effect Legendary Edition DLC includes weapons, armor and skins as well as other items. These items are not necessary to be concerned. The content-related DLC packs can be a little tricky. Some of the DLC packs will require you to plan your playthrough around them, while others can be easily ignored. You might not want to play the DLC in an incorrect order. We have compiled a guide/ranked listing to help you decide which pieces of content to prioritize and when to play them.

It’s important to note that Mass Effect Legendary Edition has a download size of well over 80GB due to all DLC. Before you begin downloading, clear out some space.

13. Extended Cut (ME3)

Although it is debatable whether the Extended Cut should be included on this list, it is a regular part Mass Effect Legendary Edition. We wanted to give it a shoutout anyway. Bioware created the Extended Cut in an attempt to please fans who were unhappy with the ending of Mass Effect 3. Along with a fourth ending, the DLC adds new cutscenes to the game and more dialogue options. You can’t use the DLC in LE unless you want it.

12. Firewalker Pack (ME2)

The Firewalker Pack, a rather lackluster DLC, adds many new missions and locations. They’re all boring. Although the M-44 Hammerhead is a fun vehicle to ride around in, the hover vehicle soon outstays its welcome. The Hammerhead is the center of everything in this DLC. The Firewalker Pack is not relevant to Mass Effect 2, so you can do the missions whenever and wherever you like. If you skip any of the missions, you won’t be missing anything. You will only get a small Prothean Relic that you can interact with in your cabin.

11. Normandy Crash Site (ME2)

Normandy Crash Site DLC pack is the shortest Mass Effect Legendary Edition DLC pack. This involves exploring the area surrounding the SSV Normandy crash site. You can also collect the dog tags from your crew members and place a memorial at the crash site. DLC is intended to give Shepard closure after the destruction of Normandy. It is best to visit the crash site as soon as you have the opening sequence of ME2 in your head. This mission should be completed shortly after Mass Effect 2 has given you access to the galaxy map.

10. Zaeed – The Price of Revenge (ME2)

Zaeed Massani, one of the founders and leaders of the Blue Suns mercenary organization, is an infamous bounty hunter. He can be found near the beginning of Mass Effect 2. Although he can seem somewhat generic at first, you will eventually get to know him and enjoy his war stories. You can also use his last ability to help you fight. While Zaeed is a fascinating character, we have included him on our list most memorable Mass Effect companion characters. However, his loyalty mission is a major drag. To get the mission done quickly, we recommend it. It’s also useful to unlock his Inferno Grenades early on.

9. Arrival (ME2)

Mass Effect 2’s Arrival DLC is quite good. You’ll need to wait until later to actually play it. This story is about delaying the Reaper invasion. It is the only mission where you can’t take your companions. At certain points, you may be joined by a temporary companion. Even if you don’t play the DLC, the events of Arrival are canon. We recommend that you play it, as it provides important context for all of the events at the beginning of Mass Effect 3. The DLC can be enjoyed at the end of Mass Effect 2 because Arrival’s main goal is to setup ME3.

8. From Ashes (ME3)

Bioware and EA were criticized for releasing From Ashes DLC as a day-one content, given the importance of the content to the story. Mass Effect Legendary Edition now allows you to purchase the DLC separately. Although the mission leading to Javik’s recruitment is not very memorable, the character has its moments. Javik has a lot of laughable dialogue. He’s also an excellent exposition machine. Make sure you bring him along as often as possible. After the Mars mission, From Ashes is available. We recommend that you complete it before or shortly after visiting Palaven. This will allow you to gain access to a powerful ally and enjoy everyone’s reactions to you walking around with a live Prothean beside you.

7. Kasumi – Stolen Memory (ME2)

Although Kasumi Goto may not be the most well-known character in the series, her loyalty mission is one of the most memorable. It’s already entertaining to attend the party as a space warlord Solomon Gunn, but it gets even more exciting once you enter Hock’s vault. You’ll have to face some of the most difficult fights in any loyalty mission. These fights will not allow you to rely on any third party members so be prepared before you start Kasumi’s loyalty missions. Kasumi’s main problem with the DLC is her inability to speak on the Normandy. She has fewer lines than Zaaed, and they are much less interesting.

6. Bring Down the Sky (ME1)

Only two DLC pieces were added to the original Mass Effect. Pinnacle Station didn’t make it into Legendary Edition. The only remaining DLC is Bring Down the Sky. This DLC focuses on stopping an asteroid crashing into Terra Nova. The Batarians are introduced in Bring Down the Sky, which you will encounter often during ME2 or ME3. Even though it is the oldest DLC in Mass Effect Legendary Edition (and still holding up well), Bring Down the Sky holds its own. You don’t need to plan your playthrough around the events of Bring Down the Sky because they are not connected to the story.

5. Omega (ME3)

Omega is a divisive piece DLC that may not be for everyone. This DLC makes it difficult to team up with your regular companions for the duration. Instead, you’ll team up with Aria T’Loak, Nyreen Kandros and Nyreen Kandros who are both new characters. Nyreen Kandros is the first female Turian to make an appearance in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. The DLC’s enjoyment will depend on how you feel about these characters and Omega as an area. It is packed with action and doesn’t take too long to complete, making it a great choice for those who need a break from the monotony. It is best to start Omega shortly after you have completed the quests from Aria on The Citadel.

4. Overlord (ME2)

Overlord is one of the most terrifying DLCs in this trilogy. The story begins with a remote research base going silent. It’s your job investigate. Once you find out the true purpose of this base and the entity responsible for all the chaos, the DLC becomes more interesting. Although planet exploration is not a strong area of the trilogy, some of these new locations are beautiful. The rest of the time will be spent fighting Geth and learning more about Cerberus’ disturbing experiments. It is best to complete the DLC early as it provides you with some valuable information about the people you work for, which can influence your decision making later.

3. Leviathan (ME3)

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition DLC that is most significant is Leviathan. From Ashes provides a lot more background information for the Protheans. Leviathan explains the origins of the Reapers. The DLC introduces the Reapers to us and explains the reasons behind their mission to eradicate all organic life on the planet. Contrary to Omega, Leviathan is more focused on investigation and exploration than on action. If you are looking for a change of pace, we recommend that you do Leviathan right after Omega. However, you can also leave it until later if your main story missions require you to finish it.

2. Lair of the Shadow Broker (ME2)

The Lair of Shadow Broker DLC is an excellent addition to a game already full of amazing character-driven content. This DLC will have you helping Liara, your friend, as she tries to defeat the Shadow Broker. The action starts slowly, but then quickly picks up speed as you go on a car chase and fight against the Asari Spectre before finally gaining access to Shadow Broker’s base. Although Liara is not allowed to join your team until the DLC has been completed, she can help you by providing access to Shadow Broker’s resources. These include surveillance footage and dossiers about most of the characters in ME2. It is best to finish Lair of the Shadow broker either immediately before or after attacking the Collector base.

1. Citadel (ME3)

Citadel is the last but not least Mass Effect Legendary Edition DLC. Although it can be awkward to have a DLC centering around comedy, given the dark tone of Mass Effect 3, that shouldn’t stop you enjoying it. Bioware’s tribute to the trilogy, Citadel, is a wonderful way for everyone to come together for one last adventure before you face the Reapers. We recommend that you leave Citadel before attacking the Cerberus headquarters. After the attack, you won’t be allowed to return. You can still access the content afterward if you wish to avoid the tone shift caused by hosting a party right before you launch a mission that will determine the fate of the galaxy.

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to check out our piece on the science behind Mass Effect’s mechs.

You can get some bonus content from Mass Effect Legendary Edition up to July 31st. (Expired)

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