Top 5 Books That Will Alter Your Perception of Dating and love

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Online dating has opened up a whole new dimension for singles since the first commercial site was launched in the mid-1990s. Over a couple of decades, what began as a straightforward platform where people could connect via their computer screens has evolved into a huge industry, where thousands of websites across the world are catering to every possible facet of romance and relationships. One of the most fundamental reasons people join a dating site is because this will provide access to a diverse pool of talent.

Unlike attempting to connect in noisy bars or nightclubs, surrounded by other singles clamoring for attention, going online represents a relaxing environment. You can take as long as you wish developing chemistry. Before immersing yourself in this digital world, it might be a good idea to think of conversation topics that will help break the ice. How about chatting about good books? Even better, good books about relationships and love?! We’ve asked this question to loveaholics dating platform and they provided us with five they hotly recommend.

Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples by Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt

Dr Hendrix has spent more than 30 years as a therapist and invites his readers to take on board crucial information to help you to discover the relationship you have always aspired to. There are practical exercises to assist in resolving problems within your partnership, including 16 exercises that will improve your communication techniques. He also details ways to prevent self-defeating behavior from hampering a satisfactory relationship, providing the bedrock for a firm and lasting bond to form.

Wanting Sex Again: How to Rediscover Your Desire and Heal a Sexless Marriage by Laurie Watson

Laurie Watson’s book focuses on a fairly typical complaint amongst married people, that the relationship has lost its spark of desire and passion over the years. Quoting the statistic that up to 14 million women in the USA are commonly frustrated by the lack of any action in the bedroom, this book addresses practical ways to allow couples to rediscover the aspects of sexual magnetism that drew them together in the first place. Again, the information imparted is drawn from the writer’s extensive clinical experience, giving an added potency to the information available. The advice is also available via a series of tie-in YouTube videos.

The ADHD Effect on Marriage: Understand and Rebuild Your Relationship in Six Steps by Melissa Orlov

If you’ve heard of the acronym ADHD but need reminding about what it stands for, it is ‘attention deficit hyperactivity disorder’. In this worthwhile information volume, Melissa Orlov discusses what to do if one of the partners within a relationship suffers from this particular disorder, and this has a troubling effect on the stability of their partnership. Rather than going into great depth about the negative aspects of ADHD, the writer gamely places everything in a positive perspective, offering ways in which this behavior should be understood to make it far less disruptive.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman

This book has become a phenomenal success, and if you don’t feel like sitting down to read it together, you could always go online and listen to the podcasts, or check out the ‘five love languages’ talked about on the homepage of Chapman’s website. The book itself is an excellent starting point, having sold 12 million copies, and whether you prefer reading hardbacks, or e-books, or listening to the audio version, the five love languages will help you to invigorate your relationship, understanding what it means to spend quality time together, as well as learning priceless words of affirmation.

Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence by Esther Perel

Have you heard of erotic intelligence? If you haven’t, you and your partner are in for a treat as the author takes you through a provocative and bold new take on sex and intimacy. If you take your partnership for granted, this book will explain how to overcome anxieties that can get in the way of expressing love.

Y'berion Pyrokar
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3 thoughts on “Top 5 Books That Will Alter Your Perception of Dating and love”

  1. Dear Y’berion P:yrokar

    I deeply appreciate that Getting the Love You Want is on the list of the five best books on relationship, I want to point out that my wife and partner, Helen LaKelly Hunt, Ph. D., is co-author and indispensible to its develop and distribution. If possible could you resend this list and correct the authorship.

    I would appreciate it very much.

    Thanks, Harville Hendrix

    • Hello Dr. Hendrix. Of course, absolutely. I just went back and edited the list to reflect the fact that Getting The Love You Want was co-authored. That was an oversight on my part. My apologies. Thank you for pointing that out.

  2. Thank you so much, Ms. Pyrokar, for including me in this list with these truly illustrious authors! My podcast and youtube goes by a different name: Foreplay – Couples and Sex Therapy – found whereever podcasts are published. Sincerely, Laurie


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