Try not to get sentimental

Borderlands 3: Broken Hearts Day Event and More Changes Coming Soon

On February 11th, during the Borderlands Show, the team at Gearbox announced a whole heap of content and changes coming to Borderlands 3. They also shared a “Community Love Letter” with us which contained many QOL changes many of us have been asking for.

Broken Hearts Day

Broken Hearts Day is the second seasonal event that Maurice, Sanctuary III’s favourite (and only) Saurian, wants some help understanding. Similar to the Bloody Harvest, he’ll be rewarding you for your assistance. “What’s the task?” I hear you ask. That’s simple, go break some hearts. This will work a little differently than fighting haunted enemies, though. During your adventures, some of the enemies you come across will have floating hearts above them, and according to the blog post:

The hearts take several forms and break in different ways: some will fall to the ground with a fiery explosion, while others might drop loot or briefly turn enemies into allies, for example. Maurice will keep track of how many hearts you’ve broken and mail you the following event rewards as you reach each of these totals:

10 – “ECHOcardiogram” ECHO Skin
25 – “Cosmic Romance” Weapon Trinket
50 – “Terminal Polyaimorous” Legendary Maliwan SMG
75 – “Heartbreaker” Vault Hunter Skin
100 – “Wedding Invitation” Legendary Jakobs Sniper Rifle



You’ll have a considerably shorter time to complete this event than you did with Bloody Harvest, so be prepared! You can expect the event to go live after a patch on February 13th at 15:00 PT and end February 20th at 20:59 PT.

Community Love Letter

The Borderlands crew saved some equally interesting news for their “Community Love Letter” which covered a variety of subjects. The team started off by acknowledging the support and feedback and thanking the community for it. They then swiftly moved onto a “bunch [of] highly requested quality-of-life enhancements” after covering the additions they have brought to the game already.


The changes and additions coming to the game include:

  • True Takedown Mode.
  • Level Cap Increase.
  • Performance and Stability.
  • Skippable Cutscenes
  • Guardian Rank Toggling
  • Event Toggling
  • Fight For Your Life Improvements
  • Mayhem Mode 2.0
  • Echocast Twitch Extension Expansions

Personally, I’m most excited for skippable cutscenes and the level cap increase. So I’ll go into these with some further detail.

Currently, the maximum level you can achieve with any character is 50. This gives you 48 skill points to customize or min/max your build with. If you use these skill points efficiently, you can almost obtain the final perk across 2 skill trees. The additional 3 levels on top of this still prevent us from claiming that second final perk. As a matter of fact, you will be 1 point short (Gearbox, you tease). These additional 3 points could prove themself to be very effective for builds like Fl4K’s crit setup.

There’s not much to discuss for this next topic. Skippable cutscenes have been requested by the community since the game’s launch. It’s a fact that some people just don’t enjoy cutscenes. Personally, I enjoy them the first time around but they become very tedious in True Vault Hunter Mode and beyond. I could hear the cheers coming from the Borderlands 3 subreddit when I read this. I imagine the speedrunning community will be very happy with this update too seeing as the cutscenes take up around 30 minutes of your time. Now, all we need is a skip “Talk to Lilith” button…

To read more in-depth details about the other changes coming, check out the full Community Love Letter.

Jamie Heathorn