Cybernetic Augmentation: the practice of implanting electronic machinery into the human body to restore or improve its abilities. Cybernetics have been a popular trope...
JoinedJuly 21, 2020
Canadian Nerd. For my own safety, please do not get me talking about space news. I get dehydrated.
So. Pandemic, right? Makes it real hard to do everyone’s favourite group activity. Tabletop Role-Playing Games! (that’s what you guys...
Mass Effect 2. One of my favourite games, growing up, (and like, 20 minutes ago). In which the now legendary...
Telepathy or mind control is frequently ranked as the most desirable super powers, and why not? Finally knowing what people...
Bioware took lessons from Bethesda and Todd Howard. They’ve repackaged Mass Effect, slapped on an adjective subtitle and charged $60...
When it comes to writing, or directing, or game development, reality can kind of… get in the way. It’s easier...
Eternal Hope is a 2D, puzzle platformer from first-time indie developer Double Hit Games. Which, despite being slightly misnamed, is...
Everything has its opposite. Superman has Bizzaro, Batman has the Joker (or perhaps Jason Todd a la Red Hood), darkness...