Pirate Adventure Party Plans

One of the most classic themes for birthdays and other celebrations is pirates. Indeed, the thrill of the open sea, riches, and freedom are attractive to almost every age group. Learn all about how you can throw a themed pirate party right now so that you can discover your inner matey tomorrow.


1. Setting the Scene

As guests walk into the party, immerse them in a pirate’s world. For example, decorate the walls with pirate flags, fishing nets, treasure maps, and other pirate-themed items. Depending on the age group, add in a few skeletons as reminders of “dead men tell no tales.”


Additionally, consider renting a few props for an enhanced theme. Wood barrels are perfect as upright tables where pirate guests can snack, drink, or work on activities. Lastly, playing pirate-themed music can complete the picture. For example, movie scores from pirate movies are a great choice.


2. Dressing the Part

Invite your guests to wear their best pirate outfits. However, don’t overlook the fun of offering a few activities centered around dressing up at the party. For instance, host a pirate-hat construction table. Guests can make hats from construction paper or felt, and they can decorate them as desired. Additionally, pass out eye patches for that authentic pirate appearance. Ideally, any interactive activities involving pirate attire are a clever way to engage all the partygoers.


3. Getting the P”ARRR”ty Started

Entertain your guests with pirate-themed activities, such as pin-the-eye-patch on the pirate. Walking the plank and searching for treasure are other options that are sure to please all ages.


If you have children, give them another distraction with pirate movies. Certainly, many movies are kid-friendly, including:


  •  The Goonies
  •  Muppet Treasure Island
  •  Pirates of the Caribbean Series
  •  Peter Pan
  •  Treasure Planet


4. Enhancing the Experience

If you’re traveling, consider the ultimate immersive experience with BlueFoot Pirate Adventures. Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, this company hosts guests on a pirate ship where you dress up, act the part, and enjoy some time on the open water. This adventure is perfect for any occasion with nautical outfits encouraged for all travelers.


5. Feeding the Hungry Pirates

Snacking on pirate-themed food creates even more fun for kids and adults. To celebrate walking the plank, serve rectangle-shaped foods, such as chocolate-wafer treats or sandwiches cut into narrow sections. Also, a pirate ship can’t survive the open sea without cannonballs, either. Stock your party with cannonballs made from meatballs or donut holes.


For a more traditional food, decorate cupcakes with pirate flags and skulls with crossbones. Honestly, the simplest foods can still be part of the theme, such as a fruit platter served at an extremely long table. In the end, this scene reminds everyone of pirate meals and jolly good times.


Sending out unique invitations is the best way to encourage your attendees to join in on the theme. Colorful invitations with clear instructions on attire will ensure a fun time. In the end, living a pirate’s life can be a good time for at least the day.