Rockstar Apologizes For GTA: The Trilogy Issues

Rockstar Apologizes for GTA: The Trilogy Issues

fixes are on the way

On its website, Rockstar Games apologized for all of the issues with Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy — The Definitive Edition.

In the statement, Rockstar acknowledged the games did not launch in a presentable state. It also confirmed an update will arrive in the coming days for all versions.

Rockstar will push out additional updates to further optimize all versions of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy — Definitive Edition. With the updates, Rockstar said the games “will reach the level of quality that they deserve to be.”

In the meantime, the developer announced it will re-release the classic PC versions of Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. They will be free for Trilogy purchasers through June 30, 2022.

It’s been a rocky few weeks for Rockstar. Following the release of the Grand Theft Auto trilogy, players noted how buggy and poorly optimized the games were on all platforms.

The issues are exacerbated on the Nintendo Switch version, which doesn’t even reach 720p resolution when the console is docked. Compounding matters, the frame rate often dips below 30 frames per second.

The situation isn’t significantly better on other platforms. According to Digital Foundry, Performance mode on the Xbox Series X had parts that went as low as 40 frames per second.

The PlayStation 5’s Performance mode ran relatively more inconsistently. It was so bad, Digital Foundry recommended people buy the PlayStation 4 version instead.

Williams Pelegrin